Hill's PRESCRIPTION DIET i/d Sensitive Dog Food with Egg & Rice is a highly digestible complete dietetic pet food for reduction of ingredient and nutrient intolerances and for reduction of intestinal absorptive disorders in dogs. This food has increased levels of sodium and potassium, highly digestible ingredients and contains selected carbohydrate and protein sources.
Highly digestible complete dietetic pet food for adult dogs for reduction of intestinal absorptive disorders, compensation for maldigestion, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and disorders that benefit from low fat food as well as for support in stressful situations, which will lead to reduction of associated behaviour. This food contains highly digestible ingredients, increased levels of sodium and potassium and trypsin-hydrolysed bovine casein.
Hill's PRESCRIPTION DIET c/d Multicare Cat Food with Chicken is a complete dietetic pet food for reduction of struvite stone recurrence (cause of feline lower urinary tract disease, FLUTD), for dissolution of struvite stones and for reduction of oxalate stones formation in adult cats. This food has urine undersaturating properties for struvite, urine alkalising properties and contains low levels of magnesium, calcium and vitamin D.
Hill's PRESCRIPTION DIET z/d Mini Dog Food is a complete dietetic pet food for reduction of ingredient and nutrient intolerances in adult dogs. This food contains a selected carbohydrate source and a hydrolysed protein source.
Hill's™ Science Plan™ SENSITIVE STOMACH & SKIN MEDIUM ADULT DOG FOOD with CHICKEN (chicken 8%, total poultry 12%) is a complete pet food for adult dogs from 1 year old.