Available exclusively through your veterinarian, Hill's VET ESSENTIALS NEUTEREDCAT Mature Adult cat food with chicken provides advanced nutrition with 5 essential health benefits for your cat, including a low level of fat and high levels of L-carnitine to help burn off excess fat after sterilisation/neutering.
Complete pet food with slow-cooked chicken for neutered cats 1–6 years old. Available exclusively through your veterinarian, Hill's VET ESSENTIALS NEUTERED CAT Adult cat wet food with slow-cooked chicken provides advanced nutrition with 5 essential health benefits for your cat, including a unique blend of ingredients and low fat content proven to achieve and maintain optimum weight.
Available exclusively through your veterinarian, Hill's VET ESSENTIALS NEUTERED CAT Adult cat wet food with slow-cooked chicken provides advanced nutrition with 5 essential health benefits for your cat, including a unique blend of ingredients and low fat content proven to achieve and maintain optimum weight.